UK Chief Commissioner talks about Transformation

Our Volunteering Culture

Join the Transformation WhatsApp Community

The Transformation Team have created an online community through WhatsApp for Leaders & Trustees. The groups below are open to any leader or trustee and will give you a space to discuss the changes, ask questions and receive important information. A place to support each other all over Cornwall.

Click the respective image on your phone, or scan the QR Code with your phone to join.

WhatApp – Leaders

WhatApp – Trustees

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact the Team

Our County Transformation Lead is building a team of people to support the County through these changes. If you would like to join the team, or you have any questions about transformation, please email the address below.

Meet the team (coming soon)

Cornwall Transformation Videos

Introduction to Transformation
Our County Transformation Lead introduced the changes coming in over the next couple of years. This video is a recording of the online session from Basecamp Kernow in January 2023.

Executive Committees to Trustee Boards
A recording of the briefing open to Executive Committee Chairs, Group Scout Leaders, District Commissioners and the County Commissioner. Recorded in April 2023.

A more engaging learning experience…

More Engaging Learning
A Warmer Welcome
Simplifying how we volunteer

We’re reducing and removing the heavy administration work of manually recording and validating learning.
Content will be split into Core Learning, which is mandatory, and Branching Out, which is optional.
There will be a new points-based approach to gaining your woodbadge, with points gained from optional learning completed.


“I’ve completed my training over a year ago, but the trainer has no time to validate me, I feel really let down”.
We need to make learning more
accessible, personalised, and relevant. The current training matrix is 20 years old and out of date.

Teams will be able to create digital adverts and opportunities easily to reach new people with a new digital recruitment tool.
A ‘Welcome Conversation’ will replace the often-dreaded Appointments Panel interview.
New volunteers will be able to track their progress digitally through new tools via


Volunteers have told us the current welcome process can be off-putting and it takes up a lot of admin time.
The current welcoming process isn’t very clear to new volunteers, and usually happens out of order.

New Welcome, Membership and Learning systems will be accessed via a single log-in on
They’ll be easy to access on all devices, and they have been
extensively tested with our own volunteers.
For those who may not feel confident using technology, there will be Digital Champions available in each District to provide support.


Compass is no longer up to the job of providing us with detailed information about our adult membership. Only a quarter of volunteers have ever used it.
Most of our current digital tools don’t work well on mobile devices.
Other new tools will provide a digital first approach.

Most volunteers will be members of teams rather than having specific roles, so it’s easier to share the tasks whilst offering flexibility.
Team Descriptions will give purpose, tasks & outcomes, and will replace the current role descriptions.
Some role titles will be updated to improve perception of tasks which will ensure a better understanding to prospective volunteers.


Current structures and roles are confusing. External research has shown that the majority of role titles aren’t understood by those outside of Scouts. This directly affects recruitment of volunteers.
We have a small number of people with lots of responsibility placed on them. New structures will offer flexibility and choice of tasks.